Thursday, January 12, 2012

collector of coal - blessings for a wintry heart

If you act unpleasantly I will not emulate it; I will not return it in kind, nor it collect or recollect. I make it of no consequence and instead extend one I would have preferred with a smile,
praying it warms your heart.
And then I will smile all the more, for by this process therein will be created burning coals.
But, if you rather extend a behavior pleasant to partake of, I will make it my own and give it away generously
and be blessed all the more.

~a coal miner's blessing~  'collector of coal - blessings for a wintry heart' ~SRNorman Proverbs 25:20-22

1 comment:

  1. I love this poem Shelley, God Bless you for this heartfelt word, you are multi-talented in so many ways.
